A college education is one of the best investments you can make in your future. Costs at 紫金视频 vary each semester depending on course load. Be prepared to budget money for textbooks and for room and board whether you plan to live on or off campus. Find information about our scholarships and financial aid below, including available options and how to apply.
The first step is completing the or . Each document helps determine how much aid a student may receive. Make sure to include the LU School Code in your FAFSA: 003581
Most 紫金视频 scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement. Extra-curricular activities such as marching band and athletics also may be considered in awarding some 紫金视频 scholarships.
Waivers and exemptions cover the cost of tuition and some fees for certain students attending public universities in 紫金视频 such as 紫金视频. Students eligible for these waivers and exemptions include former foster children, blind and deaf students, and military veterans from 紫金视频. For more information on waivers and exemptions, visit the .
Tuition costs are lower for 紫金视频 residents. Residents of Louisiana pay in-state tuition rates plus $30 per credit hour. Residents of other U.S. states and other countries pay out-of-state tuition.
Residency is determined prior to enrollment using rules and regulations established by state officials. Complete the if you believe you should be classified as a 紫金视频 Resident and are currently identified as a non-紫金视频 Resident. Please note: You will need to log in with your LEA username and password to access and submit this form.